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A movement, social, and neurophysiological research.
Multi functions within the tension between wanted ads that demand “multitasking and full efficiency in each of the tasks” and the social necessity to be a perfect parent, perfect partner, maintain a perfect career, and concurrently enjoy all of these things, and between the scientific research that repeatedly proves that the human brain was not designed to multitask, and will eventually fail and get lost amid the multiple tasks.

“Multi is an unconventional dance performance that brings refreshing thought..." - Ruth Eshel, "Haaretz"
"Multi, an extraordinary and highly recommended viewer experience" - Chen Sivan, "Saloona"
"It is an hour of release for the choreographers, the performers and the audience... we laugh and identify and in many ways, we leave reinforced" - Idit Suslik, "The Contemporary Eye"
By Anat Katz and Erez Maayan | Performers: Avigail Rubin, Noa Shavit, Ori Lnkinski, May Reznikov | Music: Eyal Lanzini | Video: Michal Hermon | Costumes: Aviv Carmi | Lighting: Yoav Barel | Producer: Shani Zabari | Rehearsal director: Snir Nakar, Inbar Tanzer | Thanks: Asher Ben-Shalom, Yair Vardi, Tzah Yosifon
Anchor 3
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